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Standing Side Lateral gym machine from Gymleco product picture

334 Standing Side Lateral

SKU: 334 Categories: ,

This is our amazing standing side lateral machine that lets you train your shoulders effectively in a standing position. It’s modern, unique and an excellent addition to your shoulder section in the gym. Train your lateral raise safely and effectively in this Gymleco machine.


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Technical specifications & Documents

Tekniska specifikationer & dokument

Exercise types

Strength training


116 cm


160 cm


82 cm


190 kg

Weight stack

80 kg



Gym machine muscle target


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More about the standing side lateral


The standing side lateral has a similar movement as a seated shoulder rotation machine but from a standing position. In fact standing gym machines are practical since they take up a small space and lets your gym members easily step into the training exercise without any settings.

This shoulder machine is designed to fit all body lengths and the movement path is well thought out. You simply switch between the two different levels on the foot platform to adjust the gym machine according to your body length.

We recomend having a variety of shoulder machines at your gym. In the first place you offer your gym members comprehensive and effective shoulder workouts for different areas of the shoulder muscles. From overhead press machines to lateral raise machines. Each shoulder machine offers unique benefits and focuses on different parts of the deltoids. Moreover you also provide options for individuals with varying fitness levels and goals. In other words you ensure that all members can find a suitable Gymleco machine to strengthen and sculpt their shoulders.

Special details


The shoulder machine is designed with comfortable handles in a declining design. Depending on what you like you can have a wider or more narrow grip. The foot plate is in a durable wooden material and the handles are made of rubber for excellent grip and comfort.

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