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365A Lumbar/Abdominal

Lumbar/Abdominal combi machine for effective training of the lower back and abdominal muscles. Both major muscles groups that are important to stablize your core.The gym machine has simple and intuitive settings which means that anyone at your gym can start training with it and see its benefits.

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Technical specifications & Documents

Tekniska specifikationer & dokument

Gym machine muscle target

Back, Abdominal

Exercise types

Strength training

Cushion color



100 cm


160 cm


90 cm


225 kg

Weight stack

100 kg



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More about the Lumbar/Abdominal


Lumbar/Abdominal is easy to change the exercise in. It has a setting to the right, changing the starting position. There are 13 different positions with a 10° intervall. So that anyone can use the gym machine, even if you have a weak or injured back.

For the abs exercise: change so that the cushion is over your chest and push down your upper body towards your legs.
For the back exercise: change so that the cushion is comfortable placed behind your back and push your upper body backwards.

Even though you have two exercises in one gym machine the design is compact. So that you can place the combi machine in any gym. Having two training exercises in one place also means that you optimize your space and can fit more gym equipment in your smaller gyms such as company gyms or boutique gyms.


Special features


On top of the starting position your can also easily change the position of the knee support. Use the pin setting and the sturdy steel handle to move the knee support back and forth.
If needed you can add on weight to your weight stack to be able to offer heavier training.

The machine is also available with arm support for those who prefer it, product name 365A which can be found here.

Product video