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Battle Rope Premium

SKU: 765 Categories: ,

This Premium Battle rope from Gymleco are designed with extra durability. Battle ropes from Gymleco is perfect for commercial gyms where the wear is extra high and where you want to be able to run fully for many years.

In recent years, Battle rope has become common in everything from functional fitness boxes to regular gyms, where practitioners appreciate the extremely high-intensity form of exercise.

Battle Ropes from Gymleco are available in three lengths: 9m, 12m and 15m

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More about the Battle Rope Premium


Take your workouts to the next level with our Battle Rope Premium. Designed for intense training sessions, this battle rope offers the perfect combination of durability and flexibility.

In recent years, Battle ropes has become common in everything from functional fitness boxes to regular gyms, where practitioners appreciate the extremely high-intensity form of exercise. Ideal for a wide range of exercises, including wave drills, slams, and pulls, targeting multiple muscle groups.

Also check out our Battle Rope with a nylon cover.

This rope is available in 9, 12 or 15 meters.Â