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Chins Rack for Cable Cross from Gymleco

110K Chins Rack for Cable Cross

SKU: 110K Categories: ,

Chins Rack for Cable Cross is a sturdy Gymleco chins bar that can be attached directly to the beam in the Gymleco cable cross, see image 2 for example.


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Technical specifications & Documents

Tekniska specifikationer & dokument

Weight 20 kg

140 cm


18 cm


6,5 cm



More about the Chins Rack for Cable Cross


The chins rack for cable cross has an untreated bar to provide the best grip. It can also be ordered with a surface treatment if this is something you want in your gym. The bar is placed perfectly in the middle of the cable cross or 4-station. This so that it doesn’t get in the way of another training exercise.

You can train a variety of chins or pull-ups with this bar. Either with your own weight, adding on weight with our dip belts or using our weight assist bands to do the exercise a bit easier.

Every gym should have this well-known an appreciated add-on to their cable cross. It’s made of high quality steel and has a nice black coating to fit in with the rest of our cable machines. If you are looking for a stand alone chins rack we have plenty in our assortment. For example a standing chins rack and a chins rack that you can hang on the wall.

When you are starting to train for chins and pull ups be sure to progress your training. Starting of with weight assist bands to faclitate the training exercise and in the end adding on weight to your body weight to train even harder.