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Kettlebells Competition gymleco 4-32 kg

Kettlebells Competition 8-32 kg

SKU: KETC Categories: ,

Gymleco’s Kettlebells Competition with color marking on the handles are really robust kettlebells intended for commercial use in gyms and training boxes.

These kettlebells have the same size regardless of whether they weigh 8 kg or 32 kg. It is usually this type of kettlebell that is used in functional competitions, just as the name suggests. They have become more and more popular in commercial gyms and home gyms for people who want to exercise at home with training equipment that can be used in competitions.

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Technical specifications & Documents

Tekniska specifikationer & dokument

Exercise types

Functional Training

Type of kettlebell


More about Kettlebells Competition


Many people prefer to use Kettlebells Competition precisely because the sizes are the same even though they weigh different amounts. The differences compared to iron kettlebells are that these are made of 100% steel. They are also hollow which makes it possible to maintain the same size despite the weight.

The available sizes are: 8 kg, 12 kg, 16 kg, 20 kg, 24 kg, 28 kg and 32 kg.

Competition Kettlebells are often used in functional training for example in exercises such at kettlebell swings, kettlebell snatch, kettlebell press, deadlift and goblet squat.

Store your kettlebells in a rack to make sure that your training equipment is easy to use and does not end up on the floor. Combine them with other functional equipment such as plyo boxes, training balls and barbells.