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195 weight rack viktställ gymleco

Weight Rack 6 Placements

SKU: 195 Categories: ,

A compact and stylish weight tree from Gymleco with six bars to store weight plates in different sizes.

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Technical specifications & Documents

Tekniska specifikationer & dokument


Storage weight plates


132,5 cm


46,5 cm


50 cm


13,5 kg



More about the weight storage


The weight rack with 6 placements is made in durable steel which makes the look classic and timeless. The rack, which has a black coated frame and nickel coated bars, is also durable which makes it endure heavy usage year after year.

It is compact and light which means that you can fit it anywhere in your professional gym or home gym as well as move it if you feel that the placement is wrong. The weight bars have a smaller diameter than the standard weight plate hole diameter. This makes it easy to hang or remove the weights.

Check out our high quality weight plates to get your whole set up of weight plates and storage in one go.

Storage in the gym

It’s important to remember the storage when buying gym equipment. It’s easy to forget but an essential part of keeping your gym organized. This to increase the life span of your equipment and making cleaning easier in the gym. If you have a boutique gym, box or big commercial gym your gym members will appreciate having a designated place for the gym equipment and the look and feel of a gym where it’s clean and tidy.