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725-15 support legs for 725 cable station gymleco feet

Support legs for 725 Cable Cross

SKU: 725-15 Categories: ,

These support legs are custom-made for our popular 725 Cable Cross. Every Gymleco cable cross station requires secure floor support or fastening. If drilling into the floor is not an option, these support legs are the perfect solution for stabilizing your 725 Cable Cross.

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Technical specifications & Documents

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More about Support Legs for 725 Cable Cross

These support legs are specifically designed to fit our popular 725 Cable Cross. All Gymleco cable cross rigs need to be supported or fastened to the floor in some way. For those who cannot drill into the floor, for whatever reason, needs to combine their 725 Cable Cross with this support.

The support legs provide the necessary stability to ensure the machine doesn’t move during exercises. Use these legs if you have underfloor heating or water pipes and cannot drill into the floor for this reason.

See image 2 to see how the support legs look with the machine.

  • Color: Black lacquered
  • Sold in pairs