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Rubber Tiles 500x500mm

SKU: F099-30_50x50 Categories: ,

Rubber tiles from Gymleco are durable gym flooring in recycled rubber that fits perfectly both as full coverage carpet at the gym or specific areas under gym equipment. The rubber tiles are characterized by density and top quality. There are no cavities underneath which gives long lifespan of the gym flooring. We offer the tiles in sizes 500x500mm and 1000x1000mm and multiple thickness.

Please be aware that this rubber flooring has a tolerance of +/- 1%.

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Technical specifications & Documents

Tekniska specifikationer & dokument


500×500 mm


30 mm





More about the rubber tiles for gym


Rubber tiles for gym is a great alternative for professional gyms of all kinds but also home gyms and smaller corporate gym. The rubber tiles are suitable for areas where you want a commercial flooring for hard strength training. Gymleco’s gym mats are characterized by density and quality. There are no cavities on the underside of the tiles which affects the lifespan of damping gym flooring. 

This tiles are with measures 500×500 mm and 30 mm thickness. Specially designed for usage where you need a gym mat that really protects. We also have this same mat with measures 1000×1000 mm and in 3 different thickness, see here.


Installation and cleaning

  • You don’t need any prior knowledge when installing rubber tiles. You simply place it at your floor without glue or tape. Since the tile is so heavy it will stay relatively stable just as it is.
  • The gym flooring is very easy to clean and doesn’t need any maintenance. Clean with a regular vacuum cleaner and a mop with water.

We do not recommend installing the rubber tiles in a parallel pattern. Refer to the image above for the correct installation method.
Note that rubber is a dynamic material, and minor variations may occur.  


    • 4 pieces of mat = 1 squaremeter
  • Our puzzle floors can also be used in outdoor gyms and can withstand rain
  • See other options in sizes and thickness here